This template is distributed across England as part of the Ardens Q Ltd. standard offering to all EMIS practices. For practices, PCNs or ICBs not subscribing to Ardens Q Ltd services
Future Planning Care Plan - self populating printable document
The Future Planning Care Plan Self populating report is run from within EmisWEB and works in an identical way to self populating referral forms.
An example Care Plan with test patient data -----------
This documents all of the READ2 and CTV3 codes used in the Future Planning Template. New national SNOMED CT codes were requested by the project and released in April 2017 which later allowed a move to a fully SNOMED CT coded Future Planning template in 2021.
Should you require a copy of the 2023 Design and Coding Set for legitimate and free (for all NHS & Third Sector) use then please get in touch via the contact page.
Upload to the Summary Care Record
In response to COVID 19 the Summary Care Record (SCR) national team changed the consent model to "opt out consent" for additional information uploading to the patient SCR. Hence, since April 2020 all coded information collected in the Future Planning Template has been automatically shared to the national SCR, unless a person has previously requested this doesn't happen. Over 95% of the population of England therefore currently have "additional information" such as Diagnoses, Preferences, Appointments and Future Planning information showing in their SCR, as well as the basic Allergies, Sensitivities and Medications that has been present in the SCR for many years. We are currently using three SNoMED CT codes that are not part of the SCR Additional Information coding set. In order for these three codes to be raised to the SCR we add them to the Patient Summary Report in SystmONE and classify them as "problems" in EMISweb. Apologies if this makes the patients Summary View or Problem List look a little strange, however until additional national codes are available, the only way to get important information such as "Patient wishes to be a tissue donor" or "Patient is at risk of CO2 retention" up to the SCR is to apply this work around.
Thanks to the National SCR team, who added a number of extra codes to the SCR Additional Information dataset in April 2017.
We hope that by late 2022 all of the information added to the Future Planning template will also be viewable in a new Urgent Care view in CHIE (Hampshire and Isle of Wight Clinical Health Information Exchange). Future Planning information visible in the Urgent Care View will be one of the first clinical applications of the upgraded CHIE (using Orion software).