Planning for the future can feel like a difficult thing to talk about. Whether you are well or have a long term illness, a cancer or you are getting frailer, then it is worth planning ahead. You may not know a lot about what to do in a medical emergency, but you can put information in your medical record that will help. If an ambulance is called or you have to ring an out of hours doctor, then planning ahead helps and can make it a bit easier. Having the names and contact numbers of friends, neighbours or family in your GP records will help. If you have a fall or are really ill then how can an ambulance crew get into your house?
Do you have a key safe?
Should they just go round the back?
Is there a key under a flower pot or is it with the neighbour?
And how will your dog/cat/tortoise/parrot behave when these new people come into your home?
When the ambulance crew, doctor or nurses do get in, how can they best help you? Do you have the medicines at home to manage a flare up, infection or crisis? If not, then maybe ask your specialist, GP or nurse about "just in case" or "rescue" medicines.
If you do know about your illness and how you want it managed, then let your GP or medical teams know. The "Future Planning: My Wishes" leaflet was made in Hampshire to help you put all these important bits of information into your GP record. Your Wishes, your preferences and some plans.
Clinical staff in community clinics, hospital or when seeing patients at home have found the leaflet to be a great ice breaker. Patients also find the leaflet helps when talking to family or friends about how to manage when they next become poorly. Filling in bits or all of the form and giving it to your GP practice is brilliant. But, just starting to talk about Future Planning with your GP or practice nurse, community nurse, specialist team or nearest and dearest is a great start.
For most illnesses we (doctors and nurses) can predict how things might go wrong.
If you are getting frail and wobbly on your legs then falls and infections are common.
If you have Chronic Bronchitis (COPD) then chest infections will happen.
Diabetes causes high and low blood sugar and often than goes too far.
Your GP, practice nurse, community nurse or hospital specialist/s will all be able to talk to you about the problems you should plan for. Chatting to them about these problems, before they happen, can make a real difference. And makes them a lot less scary, if they happen.
Click on Cyril Squirrel to find a My Wishes leaflet that you can complete on your computer, pad or phone.
Or print it out and write on it. My Wishes Leaflets are also being sent to Health centres, GPs, clinics and hospitals across Hampshire, Southampton & Portsmouth. So, if you see one, take one and use it to get those important thoughts wishes for your care and crisis plans into your GP record. Once you are happy with your Future Planning, you should post, email or hand-in the form to your Medical Practice allowing Your Wishes to be added to your medical record.
If you want some help with what to write or how to fill in the leaflet. Click on Reg.
What happens next? Click the picture to find out . .
NHS summary Health Care Record
More detailed information about the Summary Care Record can be found on these websites.
'Let's talk about death and dying' leaflet & video
This leaflet inspired the artwork and style of the Future Planning: My Wishes.